The big Mac patch

5 May 2011

Hi all,

I understand that Apple is still reviewing the HD patch for New Phyrexia for the Mac (we submitted it on May 16)… however, in the meantime, we have been hard at work integrating all the iPhone / iPad changes into the Mac version, as well as making some upgrades of our own.

The next Mac patch will be a big one, incorporating some of the requests you have made:

- Integrated single window for all deck and collection work
- Enhanced testing features similar to the iPad, but with drag and drop support to make it even easier
- Filter your collection the same way you search for cards
- Add notes to your collection cards to track alternate artwork, foreign language cards etc
- Price your deck or collection

Also, if you are interested in helping to beta test this large version upgrade, just drop me an email at [email protected].

A picture tells a thousand words, so we hope you enjoy the screenshots below!


