New Windows Build available

6 Jun 2015

Hi everyone!

We’ve been working hard on some updates for our Windows app, and we have a new build out with some improvements and a bunch of fixes for all kinds of instability issues and bugs. Here is the complete changeless:


- Auto-updater
- Check that deck is saved before exiting
- Card count of search results in collection mode
- Old databases will now be cleaned up when updating


- Add Lands crash
- Card Cam crashes related to unselecting sets
- Card Cam crashes related to maximum amount of sets selected
- Update App link exception
- Exception when selecting webcam that is already in use by other program
- Crash with invalid mana symbols (hybrid from Modern Masters 2015)
- Update Database cancel issue (would re-download database)
- Help email link now works
- Error when deleting non-existing card from deck
- Other small bugs and errors

We hope you enjoy it. Happy brewing!

Decked Builder Support