Looking for Android Card Cam Beta Testers

6 Jun 2013

Hi all,

We are happy to announce that we have ported Card Cam over to the Android platform, and are currently looking for beta testers to help ensure it works on your devices. If you are interested in testing out the Card Cam feature on your Android device, kindly register with your device at the following URL:


Edit: After you sign up for an account, be sure to register your device as well, otherwise we will not be able to push the build to your device.

Looking forward to your feedback!

Card Cam is the cutting edge in Magic: the Gathering collection management. Simply use your phone’s camera to input it into Decked Builder and add it to your collection. Card Cam can save you valuable time and effort to do more important things like brew decks and trade cards! You can find out more here:


- Tan Thor Jen