iPhone edition version 1.6 released to Apple

3 Mar 2011

We are happy to announce that we have released iPhone edition version 1.6 for Apple’s approval. The complete change list for this new version is as follows:

- Added support for loading decks from and saving decks to Dropbox.
- Added Unhinged, Unglued and Starter 1999/2000 card sets.
- Added HD card art for Judgement, Unhinged, Unglued and Portal sets.
- Added function to price an entire deck.
- Prices are now cached for up to seven days by the app.
- Prices can be flushed from the cache in the Settings view.
- Decks can now be sorted by last modified time or by name when loading and managing decks.
- Deck cards can now be sorted by type (default), cost, color or name.
- Added option to search for Artifact Creatures as a card type.
- Added a splash screen.
- Miscellaneous peformance optimizations for loading larger decks.

You should expect to see it within the next week. We hope to port all these changes over to the iPad soon.