Increasing Our Audience Interaction

6 Jun 2012


Decked Builder Newsletter Sign-up Form

We are going to be taking the next step in promoting Decked Studios’ apps to our MTG audience by doing something that has been asked of us repeatedly: Let you know what we are working on and when it should be ready!

We have created a Decked Studios Newsletter that we will be releasing in July that will be full of the information that you are looking for from our team. What we are missing is an email address in which to send the info. In the image above, you will see a snap shot of the ‘Newsletter Subscription’ form that can be found on practically any page on this site. Please know that your personal information will NEVER be sold, shared, compromised, distributed… I can’t think of any other terms to include here.

In addition to the Newsletter, I have been trying to think of a couple of cool contests that we can have some fun with. The problem that I keep coming back to is that I don’t really know you all that well yet. So let’s fix that problem! I have set up a poll below that will let you speak up and let me know what kind of contest you like to participate in.

Whichever type of contest type wins, I will have a contest ready to go for you very shortly afterward.

Be sure to Tweet about this blog and help spread the word about Decked Builder. Hopefully we can get a good number of people interested in the contest. The more people interested, the more likely it is that I can find a prize for the winners!

-Chris Newton