Further updates

2 Feb 2012

Hi all,

It’s been a busy two weeks. Other than the whole furor over Wizard’s legal action, we have also been hard at work on other stuff:

- Dark Ascension HD art should now be available

- We just released Dark Ascension for Decked Drafter, currently only with Marlon’s ratings and no write-ups yet.

- We have submitted Decked Builder patch 2.5 to Apple for approval. It will remove the deck building functionality (boo!), but it also contains some other goodies: direct integration with mtgo-stats.com to allow you to view decks directly in the app. Check out the screenshots below!

We will be spending the week coming up with a new plan for Decked Builder – while we can’t focus on deck building anymore, we sure have a long list of stuff to do to help you manage your collections! Feel free to write in with your suggestions.
