Decked Drafter universal app released to Apple

8 Aug 2011

Hi all,

We are happy to announce that we have just released Decked Drafter 1.3 to Apple for approval. The primary difference is that it is now a universal app, meaning you now install it on your iPad. The larger screen size of the iPad allows you to view all your cards in full size, exactly as they would look like in a real draft. We think this makes practicing draft on the iPad much more realistic, and better prepares you for a real-life draft.

We would also like to say a big special thank you to all the testers who had participated in the beta. Your feedback was invaluable in helping to shape a better product. We did not have the time to complete all your requests, but we are definitely going to implement some of them in the future (e.g. a draft timer). A special thanks goes to Ramon Delgado for helping to submit crash reports and getting his students to try out the app as well. :)

Check out our final release screenshot below (you can even compare it to our initial screenshot). We expect the new patch to be available on the App Store sometime next week.
