Decked Drafter 1.2

6 Jun 2011

Hey all,

Decked Drafter 1.2 has been released to Apple for approval, with quite a few changes. In particular, the sealed deck feature is something that has been delaying the release, since I keep playing with it! :) In addition, I will be documenting the enhanced deck testing for the iPhone in my next blog entry.

Decked Drafter 1.2 change list:

- Added sealed deck feature – try making the best deck from 6 different packs of cards!

- Decks can now be sorted by rarity.

- Sorting by rarity now sub-sorts by color and converted mana cost as well.

- Enhanced deck testing to allow playing cards to the battlefield and graveyard (check the Useful Hints section of the in-app help for further details).

- Enhanced deck stats to display a mana curve, average casting cost and average card rating.

- Added option for the draft AI to pick money rares over any other card – this better simulates real life play as sometimes drafting a card can be worth your entire draft entry fee.

- Added news feeds section to the app.

- When displaying formats or sets, you can now toggle between available and unavailable formats or sets.

- Fixed typos and enhanced descriptions of many Scars of Mirrodin cards.

- Changed ratings and descriptions of several New Phyrexia cards (further details in the in-app help)

