Decked Builder 1.11 released to Apple

9 Sep 2011

Hi all,

We are happy to announce that we have released Decked Builder 1.11 to Apple with the following key changes:

- Added Innistrad card set
- Added special support for flipping Innistrad transform cards
- Added support for Legacy and EDH format when searching and filtering
- You can now toggle between viewing only unique cards or all cards from all card sets when browsing search results

While it’s a short change list, there were quite a few major modifications to the card database to support them. You can check out some of the new screenshots below showing off the new unique cards filter as well as a way to flip Innistrad cards.

About transform cards

We have had to rework several mechanics to support transform cards. When viewing a transform card, it will display a moon or sun icon to allow you to flip it over to the other side. In addition, for all purposes, only the day side of the card will be used. So for example, when adding a card with on the night side to your deck, only the day side card will be added. The deck count will only show the day side card and so on.


